A cryptocurrency (crypto currency) is a digital medium of exchange that functions similar to traditional money, but has no physical equivalent and is only in digital form. The first major cryptocurrency that kind of started it all was Bitcoin in 2009, and since then a lot of other alternative cryptocurrencies...
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital crypto currency introduced as open source software back in 2009 by a developer referred as to Satoshi Nakamoto, though it seems that nobody knows the real developer’s name. Bitcoin is called a cryptocurrency, because it uses cryptography algorithms to control the creation and transfer of...
Litecoin (LTC) is the second most popular peer-to-peer digital crypto currency released as an open source software project after Bitcoin has gained quite a lot of popularity. Similar to Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin generation and transfer is based on cryptographic proof-of-work scheme and is not managed by any central authority and...