Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away
Where innocence is burned, in flames
A million mile from home, I’m walking ahead
I’m frozen to the bones, I am…

A soldier on my own, I don’t know the way
I’m riding up the heights of shame
I’m waiting for the call, the hand on the chest
I’m ready for the fight, and fate

The sound of iron shots is stuck in my head
The thunder of the drums dictates
The rhythm of the falls, the number of dead’s
The rising of the hoards, ahead

From the dawn of time to the end of days
I will have to run, away
I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste
Of the blood on my lips, again

This steady burst of snow is burning my hands
I’m frozen to the bones, I am
A million mile from home, I’m walking away
I can’t remind your eyes, your face

Wood Kid

Ink WordPress Theme - Blog WordPress theme
Ink WordPress Theme – Blog WordPress Theme


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Ut varius risus sed commodo porttitor. Duis in est nisi. Suspendisse in orci nec lorem sollicitudin suscipit at vitae tortor. Quisque pretium condimentum risus, at luctus ipsum accumsan quis. Fusce sit amet magna massa. Aliquam at gravida augue. Maecenas vulputate semper sem, et ultrices velit porta eget. Ut ligula diam, accumsan semper nisi ut, sagittis dignissim metus.

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2 thoughts on “Wood Kid

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