On November 1, Hennessey Performance will unveil its newest car: the Venom F5. So far, we’ve seen a shot of the rear end, as well as a teaser suggesting the F5 will have a top speed approaching 300 mph. Ahead of its debut at this year’s Specialty Equipment Market Association show, though, the teasing continues.

Today, Hennessey showed off a close-up of the rear end. You can clearly see the massive diffuser and triple exhaust, as well as a lot of the detail work. “To reduce drag and maximize aerodynamic efficiency and overall performance, it’s just as important to manage airflow underneath a vehicle as it is over the body,” reads the caption.

But since we’ve already seen the rear end, the second teaser shows us a lot more. It’s the first shot we’ve seen of the interior, revealing a dash that’s almost entirely carbon fiber. The air conditioning vents mimic the triple exhaust, and there’s a wide touchscreen that appears to show the Venom F5’s front end. The caption claims the interior design is inspired by what they think Steve Jobs would have built, which is certainly an aspirational goal even if Apple’s late chief executive officer would have probably never built a hypercar.

From what we’ve seen, though, it looks like Hennessey hasn’t changed the Venom F5 very much since we first saw

3 thoughts on “Hennessey Performance Will Unveil Newest Car

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