If Lunar H3 started as a drunken lark in a bar poking fun at the raising of rego prices as time goes on, then the Lunar H3 podcast was conceived with even less brillance, but maybe as much alcohol.
Virtual circle was just too much fun to follow that it seemed it should have a soundtrack to accompany it. And why not have two blow hards like SqueezeMe and Brown Noser to spew their worthless drivel streamed live over the internet.
Turn into to our worthless show during virtual circle for now… but lets be honest. This will only continue with enthusiasm of our strong fanbase of dozens of hashers.
Hopefully this site helps explain to people who we are and what we do, even though we barely know sometimes. This should be the launch pad to connect you with the show, us and Lunar H3 as if you didn’t know about that phenomenom.
Put this in the contacts of your phone and call us when you are drunk. Here are some discussion topics to get the conversation started:
- Who you are and how much you have been drinking?
- Where you are drinking?
- What you are drinking?
- Have you been hashing?
- What happened on the hash?
- Are you on trail right now? (drink for tech on trail)
- How did you get your hash name?
- Are you injured and need assistance and thought calling us was a good idea? (hang up and call 911 or your mom)?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus lorem leo, et dignissim nunc tempor sed. Proin cursus vel leo sed vehicula. Pellentesque blandit diam eu mi ultricies tempor. Aenean nunc velit, viverra vitae felis at, placerat semper lorem. Morbi posuere tincidunt orci, eu pulvinar felis blandit ut. Curabitur nisi leo, posuere quis varius ac, interdum eu magna. Praesent ullamcorper posuere diam a vulputate. Phasellus fermentum magna nisi, convallis molestie justo pharetra non. Nullam imperdiet enim sit amet ligula venenatis, vel cursus quam aliquam. Curabitur ornare nulla et vehicula egestas. Praesent ultricies hendrerit enim a semper. Quisque porta massa vitae nibh molestie hendrerit.
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